Monday, July 6, 2009

I thought it would be worth mentioning that the house Matt posted on Friday is in fact not our new Casa de Berkman. No need for alarm, I would not set foot in a place that would require any form of snake extermination. For those of you who don't know, Queensland is home to a good portion of the most poisonous snakes in the world. Google these if you like: death adder (there are lots of other types of lethal adders here, too), taipan, eastern brown snake, tiger snake, the list goes on. I'm constantly on the lookout for these guys. It certainly makes me question my sanity when choosing Townsville over snake-free New Zealand. And it makes me actually appreciate rattlesnakes since they at least have the decency to rattle at us if we get too close.

So currently we are still searching for a more permanent apartment since the hospital only has this place on Victoria Street for us until the 23rd of July. And I have to say that despite the shower situation, I'm becoming rather attached to this place and it's going to be hard to move. What shower situation you ask? Well, check out the photo above. The pile of towels on the floor is our dam to hold back the water pouring out of the shower above. There is no barrier to keep the water from going absolutely everywhere, and the floor of the shower area isn't even curved downwardly to draw the water into the drain. Apparently this type of shower is all the rage here. Weird. Very weird. I can't possibly think of any reason why someone would choose this type of shower.


  1. g'day, matt and lindsay. love your blog; keep the news flowing.
    love you,

  2. Hi Matt and Lindsay.......Love getting your blog:-)
    Off to Oregon with 'da whole family on Friday...Good luck finding Casa de Berkman! Love, Aunt Paula

  3. its called the 5 minute rule. A little further south they broadcast it on all the radios. Sshowers aren't supposed to be longer than 5 minutes because of ever present droughts in Queensland. How much water can build up in 5 minutes??? Do you like th half flush or full flush set up?

  4. Oh what memories. I imagine you'll find a few more of these oddities. Looking forward to catching up on your blog. Cheers, Karl & Katie
